Showing posts with label straight pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label straight pride. Show all posts

Heterosexual Nation: United Straights of America!

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While the nation waits for the US Supreme Court to consider the constitutionality of gay marriage, the United Straights of America moves forward.

That's right: United Straights of America. It's a line of merchandise just for heterosexuals, proclaiming their pride in being straight.

Created by the publisher of the conservative "Chicago News Bench" blog, the United Straights shirts, mugs and other items are available in the "PoliticalZone" store at Get your own today and show off your heterosexuality! Straight people have pride, too, you know.

Straight And Proud? Prove It!

Are you heterosexual? Are you straight? If so, are you proud of that?

Wear With Pride
Check It Out
If you're like most straight folks, you'd like to let the world know that you have pride, too.  

Here's a great way to do that: Put on one of our unique "United Straights of America" designs and let the world know that pride is not exclusive to any one group.

Flaming Heterosexual
Hetero Pride
There are several variations on the design available on hats, shirts, women's tops, mugs and more.

Get yours at the "PoliticalZone" store by Chicago News Bench on Zazzle. Exclusive designs by T.H.Mannis, publisher of Chicago News Bench.