Unbox Therapy: Bending Apples on YouTube |
September 24, 2014 - Apple's new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are prone to bending and even cracking, according to numerous reports and experimentation.
"The latest ultra-slim iPhone 6 can be warped as some owners are finding out after carrying the sleek aluminum phones in their pants pockets. Apple reports selling 10 million new phones in the three days since the devices debuted last Friday,"
reports New York Daily News. "
It's not just a rumor, and
#BendGate is a hot topic on Twitter.
"#Bendgate is the predictable term that has flooded social media over the last 24 hours," reports Forbes today. "It comes after a video from
Unbox Therapy [left] went viral after demonstrating that it was relatively easy to
bend the iPhone 6 Plus. The video itself was a response to scattered
reports of the iPhone 6 Plus bending in owners’ front and back pockets."
"This started a flame war between Apple fans and haters," continued Forbes, "and a number of defences were written including ‘
Duh: Of Course the iPhone 6 Plus Can Bend in Your Pocket’
on Wired. Unbox Therapy then poured petrol on these flames with a
second video (below) showing not only that trying to straighten a bent
iPhone 6 Plus can shatter the screen, but that under the same tests a
Galaxy Note 3 was fine."
Some, including Apple, have tried to blame tight jeans for the bending.
Engadget points out that it's really "an issue
of building materials." Both the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have an aluminum chassis
"spread over a wider area than any previous iPhone" and "with enough pressure and leverage, it's going to
bend, and some owners reported
similar issues with the iPhone 5"
If your new iPhone 6 has already bent or cracked, you might want to just destroy it completely. Think of the emotional satisfaction you'll get. See
"Videos Show How To Annihilate Your iPhone 6."
Also See:
Even BlackBerry is making fun of the bendable iPhone 6 CNET
Samsung acts on Apple threat, launches Galaxy Note 4 earlier GMSArena
iPhone 6 Plus vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 3: Aesthetics and design CNET
iPhone 6 receives its own ‘bend test,’ is ‘far more durable’ than iPhone 6 Plus iPhone Hacks