Showing posts with label George Floyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Floyd. Show all posts

Pelosi, Schumer Both Flub George Floyd's Name

Since May 25, there have been many protests — even rioting and looting — in the name of George Floyd. His has become a household name in the month that has passed, yet Democrat "leaders" Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi can't remember Floyd's name. Schumer is the top Democrat in the Republican-controlled Senate. Pelosi is the Speaker of the House of Representatives and (yikes!!!) third in line of succession to the presidency. God help us.

“I only will do that [name a bill after George Floyd] if this legislation is worthy of George Kirby’s name, and he said it is,” the speaker said today.
She did not catch her own mistake. Schumer, at least, did correct himself after botching Floyd's name twice.
This begs the question: After four weeks of heavy news coverage, and of George Floyd's name being on the lips of the average American, how are these top Democrats able to flub his name? Do they even talk about Floyd off-camera? Do they even care enough about George Floyd that his name just automatically flows easily off of their tongues? No and no, apparently. To Pelosi and Schumer, the tragedy of George Floyd's death is just a cheap talking point.

This Person Claims They Started #BoycottAmerikkka But It's Doubtful

There are all kinds of clickbait and schemes to get more followers on social media. Some are funny, entertaining and even worthy of our time. Too many, however, are based on falsehoods and misrepresentations. Some try to capitalize on fear and emotion.

Here's an example of falsehoods, misrepresentation and playing on fear and emotion. Toss the race card into the mix and you've got this tweet from "Majesty Ria" today.

Majesty Ria @ToriNicksWho claims they started #BoycottAmerikkka
Majesty Ria @ToriNicksWho falsely claims they started #BoycottAmerikkka

Boycotts are nothing new, of course, and there have been a number of attempts by some black people to boycott non-black businesses. So when I saw this tweet by Majesty Ria ("MR" henceforth),

Trump to Declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization (And Obama Never Declared the KKK as Such)

Last week saw violent and destructive rioting and looting across the United States. The media have told us that this is in response to the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed by white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. That officer knelt on Floyd's neck, essentially asphyxiating him. Chauvin was arrested on Friday, May 29, and charged with murder and manslaughter. There are accusations that Antifa has been involved in much of the violence.

President Trump wants Antifa to be designated as a terrorist organization.
Some in the media are incorrectly saying he can't do that. Axios, for example, wrote this today:
President Trump tweeted on Sunday that the United States will be designating antifa, which is short for "anti-fascist," as a terrorist organization. However, the law that allows the government to designate entities as terrorists only applies to foreign organizations. (Emphasis added)
Antifa flags
Antifa and Anarchist flags
Axios is wrong. It's astonishing that they seem unaware of the Patriot Act of 2001, which clearly defines domestic terrorism, terrorists, and terrorist groups in "Section 802, Definition Of Domestic Terrorism" and "Section 806, Assets Of Terrorist Organizations."

Penn Live gives a slightly better analysis, saying that the actual effect of Trump's designation is not clear.  "While domestic terrorism is defined in the 2001 Patriot Act bill....there are no current designated domestic terrorist organizations," they wrote. "There’s also no explicit law against providing support to domestic terrorist organizations — unlike groups designated as foreign terrorist organizations. The antifa movement is largely decentralized, with activists organizing their protest activities online or in small, decentralized groups."