Showing posts with label Beat 2411. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beat 2411. Show all posts


SHOTS FIRED, AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A HANDGUN, 06/24/07 Attn: 024th District – Beat 2411 [ROGERS PARK, CHICAGO] About This Crime: A failed carjacking attempt occurred at the corner of Coyle and Washtenaw on Sunday (6/24) at approximately 1:30 A.M. When approaching a stop sign at that intersection, the driver and passenger of the vehicle were approached by two men. The man nearest the front of the vehicle extended his left hand while hiding his right hand behind him and demanded that the driver stop the car. The car occupants refused to stop and pulled away. A call to 911 was placed. After several minutes the driver began to circle the block in an attempt to head home. While driving westbound on the 2600 block of Morse, at least 2 shots here heard, with at least one of them hitting the vehicle. A second more urgent 911 call was placed to which multiple squads replied. Another neighbor at Lunt and Washtenaw had also called 911 to report shots fired. The Offenders are Described As: Suspect 1 – Latino, male, mid 20's, 150-160 pounds, 5' 10" tall, facial hair of a goatee and thin mustache, dark hair that was shaved on each side of his head, wearing long black or blue pants, a long sleeved unbuttoned dark blue shirt over a dark grey t-shirt. The suspect was also wearing a bluetooth earpiece for a cellular phone. Suspect 2 – White, male, mid 20's, 180-200 pounds, 6' 0" tall, dark hair, wearing long dark pants and a long sleeved dark blue shirt. The suspect was also wearing a bluetooth earpiece for a cellular phone. What You Can Do: • Be observant and report suspicious activity especially intersections or at the ends of alley ways • Keep you doors locked at all times while traveling • Be observant of all activity around you when entering or exiting your vehicle If you have any information about this incident, call the Area Three Detectives at 312-744-8266 and Reference RD# HN - 425497 ============ ========= ====== CAPS2411 Board member Richard P. Concaildi rpconcaildi@ netscape. net Cell: 773.294.1777 Work: 773.274.3633