Ralf Seiffe, R.I.P.

September 2, 2011 - Chicago - John Tillman has written a nice memorial post in honor of Ralf Seiffe, a great patriot who died unexpectedly on Sept. 1. I, too, am saddened by the fact that I will never get to know this man as well as I would have liked to. He was a sharp and upbeat guy that I'd had the pleasure to meet and interact with on numerous occasions over the past four years. I'll always remember him from meetings at the Lincoln restaurant in Chicago or at Tea Party meetings downtown. He was always smiling. Here is an excerpt from Tillman's post: "The liberty movement lost a great friend when Ralf Seiffe died unexpectedly yesterday morning. Ralf was truly one of life’s unique characters that come along all too rarely. Ralf was a joyful lover of life, people, history, culture and, of course, liberty. Ralf was a fountain of creativity. He always had a breadth and depth of knowledge on his many brainstorms, but what was so amazing to me was that he always knew more pertinent and interesting information about my crazy ideas than I did. Not only that, he could add value to the idea of the guy on the bar stool sitting next to us on a Friday afternoon at Hackneys...." Read the rest of this at the Illinois Policy Institute Blog...