May 4, 2011 - This afternoon, Reuters posted some very graphic photos of corpses, killed in Sunday's raid in the bin Laden compound in Pakistan.
You can see them here, in the Reuters story titled "
Photos from the Bin Laden Compound."
Some hasty bloggers have snagged the Reuters photos and have are claiming -
in error - that Reuters took the photos down. In fact, they are still up (as of 7:30 p.m. EDT).
Bungalow Bill's blogspot ran some of the amazing Reuters photos in a post titled "
The Reuters Images of the Attack Against Osama Bin Laden That Were Removed From Reuters
Web Site." Ah, sorry, your headline is misleading.
American Power blogspot has some pointless commentary and
over there, where they at least acknowledge that Reuters re-posted the photos in "an update." (Actually, American Power hat tipped blogger
Iconic Surrealism for the update info.)
Even one of my all-time fave websites, iOwnTheWorld, fell for the Reuters-pulled-the-photos hysteria. In a wonderfully titled post, "
Warning: These photos might be too graphic if you’re a progressive pussy," my good friend Big Fur Hat wrote,
"These photos were pulled by Reuters about one hour after they were published. But the genie cannot be re-corked on the internet."
Well, no, the photos are still up at I still love iOwnTheWorld, though.
See, my fellow bloggers, now and then news sites post updates and move stuff around - kinda like we do - and so all of the hysteria about Reuters "pulling" the photos is nonsense. It was housekeeping, dudes. Reuters simply moved the furniture around, so to speak. They didn't hide it.