Meeting To Save Wrigleyville
Update - See: Video of Save Wrigleyville Meeting
Why would Alderman Tom Tunney (44th) agree to the destruction of an entire block filled with viable, working businesses that employ hundreds of people? Darned if I know, but that's the situation in Wrigleyville.
The block just south of Wrigley Field is in danger of being forever altered, and not in a good way, and for no good reason.
There is a 6:00 PM meeting on Sunday, May 16 at iO Improv (formerly known as "Improv Olympic"). They are located at 3541 N. Clark Street, on the threatened block (see map). For more info call iO at 773-880-0199. Also see the "People Against the "Malling of Wrigleyville" Facebook page, and the related news stories below.
You may have read about the impending destruction of Wrigleyville recently. Tunney, it seems, doesn't give a damn about the flavor or history of Wrigleyville, a neighborhood that's special by anyone's measure. Has he made a pact with Satan? I dunno, but it sure looks as though he's made a very friendly (ahem) deal with developers who want to tear down a number of functioning and popular businesses. Tunney has shown himself to be just another Democrat Machine hack who cares more about developers than he cares about his own constituents and neighborhood.
Sometimes, an alderman is justified in doing what Tunney has done. Perhaps a block is blighted. Maybe a neighborhood is in desperate need of jobs, or there is a cluster of abandoned buildings. None of that exits on, or even near, the block that Tunney wants to see leveled and turned into, essentially, a big frikking mall. It will replace great eateries, a theater, successful retailers and more. We wonder why. As somebody said to me today, we'll find out when we see Tunney's next campaign contribution disclosures. (Know what I'm saying?)
Alderman Tunney is, pardon my language, full of crap on this issue. As reported by Chicagoist.com, "Alderman Tom Tunney is still upset over one little sign at Wrigley, but has signed off on the razing and rebuilding of an huge portion of land across the street. Earlier this week, Tunney announced his support for a hotel/condo/shopping center across Addison from Wrigley built by M&R Development. The plan would take out numerous businesses, including bars, pizza places, and ImprovOlympic, despite Tunney's claim that the part of real estate in contention is an 'under-developed piece of real estate'."
Wrigleyville Mall Plan Infuriates Neighbors, Business Owners CBS Chicago
Wrigleyville, That Mall's the Future. Get Used To It. NBC Chicago
Tunney Gives Thumbs Up to Wrigleyville Mall NBC Chicago
iO Must Go? ChicagoNow
Flashback: Anti-Eminent Domain Meeting Successful CNB

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