500,000 Hits on Our Third Anniversary

Chicago News Bench (CNB) is exactly three years old next week, and what a birthday present: Half a million hits! To make it even sweeter, we don't fake our numbers like one major local blog that we know of does. Thanks to all of CNB's readers for giving high traffic and a solid "5" page rank. And thanks to my Twitter follows, too: We crossed the 1,000 mark last night. Those are pretty good numbers for a blogger who was called "discredited" by 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore in 2008. So thanks to Joe Moore, and to all of his fellow corrupt and dishonest politicians, for consistently giving me and so many other bloggers such great material to work. Thanks, also, to the Chicago Tribune and to Chicago Magazine for naming us one of Chicago's best web sites, and to the Chicago Sun-Times for picking up our syndication. Special thanks to John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit and Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative, for their steady support, links and friendship for three years, and to iOwnTheWorld, a bunch of creative whackos that I've grown rather fond of, for sending me massive hits and much needed laughs over the past year. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

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