Kevin O'Neil has been slandering me and fellow citizen journalist Craig Gernhardt, as noted in this recent post. O'Neil started the slander about two weeks ago. Reading the following, can we assume that O'Neil is "Informant A," "Informant B," or "Informant C?" Antidisinformationistarianism (July 29, 2008) Remember that silliness with Scotty, one of the Morse Regulars? He was lying on the sidewalk in front of Joe Moore's office, when Craig and Mannis came up and started filming him. They filmed him lying there for five minutes, while they watched an ambulance cruise by, and then filmed the paramedics as they tried to help Scotty. The police showed up, and the paramedics scuffled with the bloggers.Well, I got an email about the incident. Informant A tells me he talked with Informant B who talked with Informant C, who was at the scene and heard Scotty tell the paramedics that Craig and Mannis paid him $20 to collapse on the sidewalk. I mean, it's an enticing idea, but who knows if it's true? I happened to see Scotty on Morse today, so I decided to get the lowdown, straight from the horse's mouth, as Scotty himself put it. FULL LOAD OF LIES...