Exclusive from The Bench:
We found a pattern that ABC7 and the rest of them MISSED...

ALSO READ THIS RELATED STORY: Ripping a New One In Three Parts

They got it half right... a suspected arson fire involving at least four garages over the weekend. ABC7 Chicago posted that story on Sunday, April 27 at 5:57 p.m. "Chicago fire officials and the police bomb and arson squad are looking into whether multiple overnight fires in an alley on the Northwest Side were set deliberately."

But they missed a bigger story last night: AT LEAST SIX GARAGES WERE BURNED EARLY THIS MONDAY MORNING, AND IT LOOKS LIKE A PATTERN. The Bench heard the calls on the scanner and monitored them. At 1:32 a.m., dispatch called out a garage fire in an alley that runs between the 3800 blocks of N. Tripp and N. Keeler. Within minutes, units at the scene called in that there were "six garages" burning. One officer called in that it was arson. He said it in an unambiguous way, as though there was no doubt in his mind that the fire was deliberately set.

So - the Big Boys missed this huge story. Even bigger - the odd coincidence of two events of multiple garages being torched. The map shown here is a combination of the fire reported by ABC7 on Karlov, and the fire being reported by The Bench on Tripp. You can see that they are very close together. Multiple-garage fires are unusual enough, even more unusual when arson is suspected, and very, very unusual when they occur in such a tight pattern.

Perhaps Mayor Daley can hold an Emergency Arson Meeting to stop the madness.

ALSO READ THIS RELATED STORY: Ripping a New One In Three Parts