Life in Turkmenistan is an adventure, as Jon notes frequently.
"I was in a taxi that seemed quite luxurious (despite the intact windshield). Then I realized it
Jon is one of about 4,000 Peace Corps bloggers. I would bet he is one of their best 100 writers. I love this very descriptive passage from him:
"I watched a rooster get slaughtered and butchered. Nowhere near the pomp and circumstance as the cow slaughter – for instance it only took one man, and there was considerably (you might say ‘disappointingly’) less blood."
Jon writes about being different in a different culture on the other side of the world.
"I can go to Daşmoguz, pay a dollar a minute to call the other side of the world, watch MTV, drink Coca-Cola and relax on a “regular ‘ol” Friday afternoon, but this is still a very different place. Or to put it much more accurately and get to the nature of it, I am remarkably different. This is the harder thing to accept: not that this country can be the norm, but what I – and you – are used to might be unknown."
Jon has also got the beginnings of a screenplay based on his travels. "Turkmenistan for 2: a Romantic Comedy" has potential, I'd say. Any wannabe executive producers out there? (If you go with it, I expect my finder's fee.) Keep an eye on Jon Rosenzweig - once he's out of the Peace Corp, he'll be a talent to reckon with.
Catch up with Jon's blog at http://jon-turkmenistan.blogspot.com/
Worldwide Peace Corps Blog Directory - Over 4000 journals and blogs from Peace Corps volunteers around the world.
Peace Corps Writers - A site for returned Peace Corps volunteers to post their stories.
Analysis: Turkmenistan opens up - When Niyazov died in December 2006, his successor, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, was courted by foreign energy companies.
Turkmenistan abolishes calendar of eccentric ex-president
Lonely Planet: Turkmenistan - In a distinctly unusual corner of the world, Turkmenistan makes the neighbouring 'Stans seem straight. Perhaps that's why I like it so much.
News About Turkmenistan (Google) and Images of Turkmenistan (Google)