UPDATED: Little Green Footballs Site Attacked?

LGF is back online (2:15 p.m.) Whew! EARLIER: Little Green Footballs (LGF) is a conservative blog of national stature. They've been under attack for some time by, ahh, advocates of non-free speech. For weeks, LGF has been fighting off a concentrated barrage of spam email. LGF has also been very outspoken about Islamic extremists. The most recent blog post at LGF, "The French Islamist-Leftist Convergence (excerpt below) may have more than a coincidental relation to the fact that LGF's site is down. As of 1:40 p.m. today, their site appears to be down entirely. We'll watch for their return. They will undoubtedly be back, with a vengeance. http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ The following is from a cached RSS feed reader: The French Islamist-Leftist Convergence http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=25353&only&rss In a tactic straight out of the Islamofascist playbook, socialist Segolene Royal says that if her opponent Nicolas Sarkozy wins the French presidential election, her friends the “youths” are going to tear the place up. PARIS (Reuters) - Socialist opponent Segolene Royal said on Friday that France risks violence and brutality if her opponent right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy wins Sunday’s presidential election. On the last day of official campaigning, opinion polls showed Sarkozy enjoyed a commanding lead over Royal, who accused the former interior minister of lying and polarizing France. “Choosing Nicolas Sarkozy would be a dangerous choice,” Royal told RTL radio. “It is my responsibility today to alert people to the risk of (his) candidature with regards to the violence and brutality that would be unleashed in the country (if he won),” she said. Pressed on whether there would be actual violence, Royal said: “I think so, I think so,” referring specifically to France’s volatile suburbs hit by widespread rioting in 2005.

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