Moore Shamefully Uses Race Card, Spreads Fear


No, not really. But the scum in the Moore campaign and at SEIU would love to make you think so. Look at this shameful flier (click to see larger image). Thanks to Justin, who sent it to me and wrote the following:


Of all the garbage that comes out of the Moore campaign this one takes the cake. I was so thoroughly disgusted at this latest flier that I had to contact both of the candidates' offices. Although the SEIU Illinois Council PAC paid for this flier whoever I talked with on the phone at the Moore office said there was nothing wrong with the flier and the campaign supports it. "There aren't many flattering photos of Don Gordon out there" he said. "To me it looks like him talking to someone at a cocktail party."

To me it looks like the Moore campaign would like to portray Gordon as some sort of sinister racist about to smack some black man across the face. Note there is no cutline or caption describing the photo. There is also nothing on the flier that would point to the context of this picture. My only conclusion is that Moore is using this as a scare tactic and bringing race into the campaign (other Moore fliers show pictures of Moore hugging and shaking hands with black people).

We have a culturally rich mix of people in this neighborhood and for Moore to try to use that to split it apart for votes is putrid and offensive to the intelligence of this community. This tasteless use of propaganda is garbage and should outrage both canadites. Instead the Moore staffer said that there would be no public statement denouncing this improper and misleading image.

I just thought I would bring this to your attention. It makes me sick to think Moore can look in the mirror and think he really makes a difference.

Tell me if I am overreacting. Am I seeing something that no one else does? Am I making something out of nothing? Who are these beasts over at the SEIU Illinois Council? Anyway. I hope all is good and I love to see that you are still fighting the good fight. God help us all!

Thanks for letting me vent a bit.

Hey - you bet. You are not overreacting; you are right on the money. Many of us are venting right along with you!

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