A Genius Writes In

From: "Virgina Herts" To: rogersparkbench@yahoo.com Subject: [Rogers Park Bench] New comment on Premature E-Joe-Culation. Virgina Herts has left a new comment on your post "Premature E-Joe-Culation": Now that they support - and lie for - Joe Moore, do they sleep well at night? seriously, this is ridiculous. Who is paying you and how can you sell yourself like this? You're no better than the whores on Clark Street. At least they admit what they are. I thought you were better than this. In bed with Gernhardt? That's just sick. RESPONSE: Dear Ginnie, I suspect that you are actually Alex Armour. Look, just between you and me, the Gordon people are paying me $950,000 per week. That is supplemented by the $15,000 per month from Karl Rove, and another, oh, half a million from the Heritage Foundation. There's also about 6,000 ounces of Nazi gold that my uncle gave me. Plus my interest bearing shares of Occidental Petroleum. "Better than this?" Than what? Did you just start reading this blog? EVERYBODY in the freeking world knows that I have always been anti-Joe Moore. "In bed with Gernhardt?" Look, I hear he's very good in bed but I doubt that I'm his type. Actually, Virginia, I think you're kind of attractive and I've been dreaming about you lately.

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