Congressman Joe Moore

UPDATED RPB has been saying this for half a year, and people in Rogers Park's 49th Ward have suspected this for much longer: Congressman Jan Schakowsky would rather be "Senator Schakowsky" and Alderman Joe Moore would rather be "Congressman Moore." The item below, from Public Affairs, notes what might happen if Obama wins, which is a twist on a theory the long pre-dates Obama's rise to the U. S. Congress. Here in Chicago's 49th Ward, many of us feel Schakowsky has planned to just up and run in a couple of years regardless of what Obama does - or doesn't do. Joe Moore is using his aldermanic office as a stepping stone for bigger things, which is why he gives so much of his time to non-ward issues. IF THIS SCENARIO HAPPENS, THE MAYOR WOULD APPOINT A NEW ALDERMAN IN 2008 OR 2009. "Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman [D-9th CD] and potential candidate to be appointed to the U. S. Senate-- should Barack Obama become the 44th President of the United States-- will be speaking today at 2:00 pm at an event sponsored by the American Constitution Society at the Chicago Kent Law School in Chicago, IL" - MORE at PUBLIC AFFAIRS...


  1. I just knew that he thought he was too big for the 49th Ward.

  2. Yep, let's help him out shall we? He needs our help truly. Let's help him move on to that next chapter.


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