Tired of Blogging Yet?

I was asked in December if I was tired of blogging yet. The questioner was Craig Germhole. Hell, I've just begun. This blog was only started in late October, 2006. About a month into its life, this blog was ranked at roughly 1.7 million out of 55 million blogs. Today it is ranked at 214,595 after existing for four months. For comparison, Krieg Gurdhump's blog is ranked today at 131,054 after more than two years. So the question could really be turned around to Cregg Glumphorn: Are you tired of blogging yet? Even from his first posting of Heckhole, Krink Gumpfinkle's blog painted Rogers Park as a hellish place to live and has painted nothing but a negative image of Rogers Park for the world to see. Sadly, even from his first posting, his grammar and spelling have strongly indicated mild retardation and/or heavy self-medication. Let's walk down memory lane and look at his first attempt to write. Just for fun, grammatical errors are bold italic and spelling errors are highlighted in bold yellow. Thursday, November 18, 2004 Welcome to The Morsehellhole In Rogers Park, our community is filled with so-called leaders who cover up their mistakes, pass the buck to others when wrongdoings are exposed and generally are lazy when work has to be done. So-Called Community leaders like CAPS Beat 2431 Facilitator Kevin O'Neil and Alderman Joesph "DoNothing" Moore, do just that, NOTHING, as the Gangs of Chicago have made the 1300-1400-1500 West Morse Avenue, The Open Air Drug Market of the Northside of Chicago. Every morning, every night, the Open Air Drug Market Salesman make thousands of dollars on this street, with-out paying a penny in revenue taxes to the city of Chicago, Joe, with Kevin's help, would rather secretly pass a special tax ( SSA #24, more on this in the future ) for the property owners of this area for cleaning up after the Open Air Drug Market members. So welcome to Hell on Earth, The 1300-1400-1500 West Morse Avenue, Open Air Drug Market and Gun Trading Center. Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 8:05 AM 1 comments

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