Help Charlie the Dachshund Get Back Surgery!

My best friend is Charlie, a seven-year-old dachshund. I adopted him two years ago. In mid-Sept 2024, his back began to cause him excruciating pain. He desperately needs back surgery for IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease, a degenerative condition). That will cost $10,000 or more (half for an MRI and half for the surgery, plus related costs. He is often in such pain that he hunches his back, with tail between his legs and head drooping. Until a few weeks ago, he was playful and energetic. 

Charlie is now bed-ridden, and my greatest hope is to be able to take him on walks again.

I’m a retired 69-year-old man living in Houston, Texas with fixed Social Security income and need your assistance, please. 

I opted for the "conservative" approach for now, which is strict rest and medication. If I raise enough funds, I'll get his surgery done. But, thanks to donors, I'm able to afford good meds for the little guy to keep him pain free. Donations also bought a kennel cage for him ($40.00).

Being able to confine him is a big help; I can go outside and not worry about him tearing up my bedroom and, most importantly, possibly hurting himself in the process. The meds seem to be working well for keeping him pain free and calm (I'm not looking forward to the inevitable thunderstorm).

After two weeks on The Long March To Recovery, and I've had to adjust my lifestyle a bit but not drastically. I'm not complaining; it's a labor of love to help Charlie. Any help from you will be appreciated.

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