
Release the Hounds

Poor Kevin O'Neil just can't catch a break from Kreg Bloghardt. Today Kreg rolled out a video of a guy jumping a fence. Big FD. Guy jumps a fence "without a key" (!) and that's supposed to be some kind of indictment against O'Neil and the whole community. Bloghardt's morbid negativity toward Rogers Park is showing once again.

You can bet this kind of thing also happens in Venice Beach, by the way.

Kreg is probably still bitter about this unpleasant cyber-exchange in July, 2004. Kreg wrote the following with typically bad grammar:

"Fix the CTA EL station and close the Morse Ave Open Air Drug Market and Gun Trading Center, why should we continue live in this third world, urban terrorist zone?"

Hmmm. Kreg can criticize Alderman Moore for calling the CTA "third world transit," but here is Kreg calling our community a "third world, urban terrorist zone." Now that's good publicity, and I'm sure Bonnie McGrath would agree that statements like this guarantee that NOT everyone wants to live in Rogers Park. Who needs a Chamber of Commerce when we've got Kreg Bloghardt promoting the virtues of our little corner of Hell? If Don Gordon really wants to attract business to Rogers Park, he may want to ask the Hellhole Chamber of Anti-Commerce to tone it down a bit.

The response to Kreg's tirade was a strong comment from Amanda Holman, Director of Special Events and Communication at St. Scholastica Academy at the time. Her comment included this little nugget:

"Since Craig has obviously nothing better to do than to compare my community and neighborhood to a "third world, urban terroist zone," he can ... MOVE OUT. He nor I nor the other people in this community do not live in such a place."

This is a MUST READ for those of you who have never seen it. Read the whole ugly thing here.

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