Absurdly Restrictive Homeless Shelter in Houston

Star of Hope shelter, Houston TX
Homeless Patriot talks about a homeless shelter in Houston, Texas that treats its "customers" like work release prisoners:

"To be there, I realized, would be to effectively lock myself up. With no or very limited funds, I can't afford to take public transit to look for work. If I'm put out on the street everyday, I would not be able to use my computer at a wifi coffee shop as I am doing right now. My computer would let me do that if Star of Hope allowed it. 

In addition, I make a little scratch from ad revenue on my websites. Many shelters in Chicago have rules and regulations, naturally, but most have 10:00 p.m. as the time that you must return. That's not unreasonable. Six o'clock is just insane. The ban on cell phones and computer usage is megalomaniacal." More at Homeless Patriot...

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