Cook County Sheriff Uncovers Gang Plot to Kill Cops

May 10, 2013 - A Chicago gang allegedly sent out a hit order to kill law enforcement officers, according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Intelligence unit.

"The deadly order," reported Michael Sneed at the Sun-Times,  "came via the Cook County Jail grapevine" and "claims the leadership of the Satan Disciples street gang has called for the formation of an assassination unit entitled the 'Guerilla Mafia Cartel' which would be assigned the deadly mission."

The sheriff’s department shared the alert with 132 Cook County municipalities, including the Chicago Police Department, and also the FBI. “This information is raw and very preliminary,” said a top Chicago police source. “But it is better to be safe than sorry.” More at the Sun-Times.

According to the National Gang Crime Research Center, the Satan's Disciples (SD's) have operations in most of Chicago's surrounding suburbs. They also have a far-reaching national presence. The SD's have been around for 30 years and "are a predominantly Hispanic gang originating from Chicago. The gang is a 'Folks' gang, and uses therefore the six-pointed star in some of its graffiti, but almost always accentuated with its unique trademark of 'Devil' images. It typifies many of the older traditional Chicago-based gangs in respect to being basically an adult-run criminal enterprise that makes extensive use of juveniles in its drug distribution operations. Unlike the majority of those gangs, it has now spread to over 40 Chicago suburbs as well as to 22 other states. It is, therefore, a big player in the American gang crime scene."