Hacked AP Twitter Account Tweets 'Two Explosions in the White House' - Syrian Electronic Army Strikes Again

White House bombed - Olympus Has Fallen
This is did not really happen.
April 23, 2013 - "Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is Injured," said the ominous tweet from Associated Press's Twitter account.

The tweet was not true, however. AP's Twitter account (@AP) was hacked, and the culprits posted the bogus headline without AP's consent.

"Moments later," reports NBC News, "the @AP Twitter account — with nearly 2 million followers — was suspended. Immediately following the false tweet, the Dow Industrial Average lost about 140 points. These losses were immediately recovered."

Who did the hack job on AP? There is speculation now that it was the pro-Assad Syrian Electronic Army, according to the Quartz website.

Photos of Car Bomb Attack on French Embassy in Tripoli, Libya

April 23, 2013 - A car packed with explosives blew up in front of the French embassy in Tripoli, Libya just past 7:00 AM local time (5:00 AM GMT). Two embassy guards were injured. Here are some amazing photos taken moments after the blast by Ehab (Twitter @Eh4b10). Ehab tweeted this about the photos: "General Statement: if anyone wants to use the photos & to credit, thats fine." These were the first photos used by all of the major media in reporting the story. See our earlier post about the bombing.
Click images to enlarge them
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
The explosion burst water and sewage pipes. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
No remains of the bomb car were left outside. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Waiting for firefighters at the French embassy. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Embassy staffer asses damage, attend to wounded. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Guard pulled from embassy on a make-shift stretcher. Source: @Eh4b10 
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Bursting water and sewage pipes. Source: @Eh4b10 
Car bomb at French embassy in Tripoli, Libya damaged nearby homes
Nearby homes suffered heavy damage. Source: @Eh4b10

French Embassy Hit By Car Bomb in Libya, 2 Guards Injured (Updated)

April 23, 2013 - Updated - Reuters is reporting that a booby trapped car exploded at the French embassy in a residential part of Libya's capitol city Tripoli. The bomb caused considerable damage, injuring two of embassy guards. One of the guards is described as being "gravely injured." According to the Libya Herald, several local residents helped to rescue one of the guards.

Image from Twitter/@Eh4b10
Click Here To See More Photos
"France's embassy in Libya was hit by what appeared to be a car bomb on Tuesday, injuring two guards in the first such attack in the Libyan capital since the 2011 war that ousted Muammar Gaddafi.  "There was an attack on the embassy. We think it was a booby trapped car," a French official told Reuters. "There was a lot of damage and there are two guards wounded." ~ More at Reuters.com

"The explosion destroyed the outer walls of the embassy complex and the facade of the building," reports the Libya Herald. "The first floor  is destroyed. Ten vehicles parked in the street have been wrecked.  Every office in the building has been ruined, the [French] diplomat said. The blast also brought down the garden walls of two houses opposite the chancellery entrance.  It was strong enough too to blow out windows in buildings in several streets around."  The Libya Herald notes that nobody, as yet, has claimed responsibility for the bomb attack. "However," the Herald continued, "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has vowed to attack France following its intervention in Mali."

"Black smoke billowed from the wreckage of the vehicle that exploded close to the Embassy’s entrance as fire crews arrived to put out the flames. Part of the Embassy complex’s outer wall was partly destroyed in the explosion as well as two nearby cars." More at RT.com.  The explosion happened just after 7:00 AM local time (5:00 AM GMT). "The blast took place in a small side street, causing extensive damage to the buildings and parked cars, our correspondent said," reports BBC.

The local authorities were slow to send help to the scene. In another report by the Libya Herald quotes a man who lives next to the French embassy, Abdurrauf Al-Alam. His home was badly damaged by the blast. He said that police and fire fighters were slow to respond.  “It took 30 minutes for the fire-fighters to arrive,” he said.  The police and security “came at 9 am”, almost two hours after the attack. Three hours after the explosion, trees on the street outside the embassy were still burning.


Pakistani Police Arrest Former President Musharraf - Charges Include Treason

Source: Facebook
April 19, 2013 - Former Pakistani president Gen. Pervez Musharraf was arrested today at his farmhouse near Islamabad.

The arrest comes just one day after he fled the Islamabad High Court that ordered his arrest in a 2007 case regarding his decision to dismiss judges and to impose emergency rule that year. Musharraf faces multiple charges, including treason.

This story, frankly, is frigging weird, as this report from Foreign Policy blog on Thursday, 18 April indicates:

"Pervez Musharraf's bizarre return to Pakistan from self-imposed exile, which has already been marked by the former president being disqualified from upcoming elections and live-tweeting his bail hearing (and exercise routine), just got even more bizarre, with the once-all powerful Pakistani leader fleeing a courtroom in Islamabad on Thursday after judges ordered his arrest over a bitter 2007 clash with the country's judiciary." As I said, it's frigging weird. Read the Foreign Policy post, which includes some fun (and frigging weird) video.

Keep in mind that Musharraf fled from the law, after the court ordered his arrest. He ran away to his farmhouse yesterday. Today, Musharraf posted this strange message on his Facebook page at approximately 2:10 AM (New York time):

I have today brought an end to the mass distraction and media frenzy generated by the unwarranted act of the Islamabad High Court. The allegations leveled against me in the detention of judges case could not be further from the truth and were filed against me by an unrelated individual eight months after the alleged act; not even one of the alleged aggrieved judges is the petitioner. These allegations are politically motivated and I will fight them in the trial court, where the truth will eventually prevail. PM

Wait, what? It took the police and army troops to arrest Musharraf at his hidey hole in the outskirts of Islamabad, yet he wrote that he "brought an end to the mass distraction and media frenzy?" The poor man does not seem to realize that his own strange behavior has provided legitimate fodder for the media's "frenzy."

Needless to say, this story is developing and promises to provide many entertaining - and frigging weird - moments in the coming months.


Florida Cop Fired For Having Trayvon Martin Shooting Target

Trayvon Martin shooting target
This is probably what the targets looked like.
Source: Huffington Post
April 13, 2013 - A police sergeant in Port Canaveral, Florida was fired in the wake of being accused of having shooting targets with the likeness of shooting victim Trayvon Martin. Port Canaveral is about 60 minutes away from Sanford, Florida, where Martin was fatally shot by George Zimmerman in February 2012.

Sergeant Ron King was fired on Friday "after he brought Trayvon Martin shooting targets to a firearms training session," reports WFTV-9.

Trayvon Martin
King was supervising a training session at the Brevard Community College campus in Cocoa on April 4. King purchased the targets on the internet, Port officials told WFTV.

King, reports reports WTVM-9, is alleged to have offered two targets with Martin's likeness to two other officers at the training session. King and the two officers were all on duty at the time. The two officers said that they refused to use the targets.
