John McAfee Gets a Break, Sells His Life Story, Misses the U.S.

UPDATE, 12-12-2012:  
Guatemala Deports John McAfee to U.S.; Heads for Miami FL

Dec. 10, 2012 - Wacky ex-fugitive antivirus software guru John McAfee, in detention, gets a break from his Guatemalan captors, reports
US software pioneer John McAfee, facing deportation from Guatemala to Belize to answer questions over the death of a neighbour, has bought himself some time with legal appeals, the Guatemalan government said on Sunday. McAfee's lawyers have filed a request with a local court to grant him leave to stay in Guatemala until his legal appeals against deportation have been settled, which could take months.

"The government of Guatemala respects the courts and we have to wait for them to make a decision," said Francisco Cuevas, a spokesman for the Guatemalan government.  More at Stuff...  
John McAfee, The Busy Prisoner (
McAfee, 67, has not just been sitting on his butt while behind bars. The Hollywood Reporter says that "Montreal-based Impact Future Media says it has secured the exclusive IP rights to the embattled anti-virus pioneer" and that a spokesman for Future Media says "they inked the deal with McAfee last week and hopes to exploit his life story across a range of media including film, print and TV."

All well and good, I suppose, assuming that McAfee is not guilty of killing his neighbor back in Belize.

McAfee certainly seems optimistic, going so far as to say that he hopes to return to the United States once his ongoing ordeal ends. In an online news conference Sunday from Guatemala, McAfee said the following:

"Have I considered returning to the U.S.? Absolutely that is my only hope now. It is clear, in the last few weeks since I started my blog, that I cannot ever return to Belize. My blog, the issues that I am discussing, are hurting the government, they are hurting tourism, tourism accounts for over 70 per cent of all the employment in Belize. The government was mad at me before; they're seriously mad at me now." More at Big News Network....

McAfee the optimist is also realistic: He said that if he was to be returned to Belize to face criminal charges, there would be "no hope for my life." In the meantime, it looks as though McAfee just might enjoy Christmas in jail.

Previous Post: John McAfee Arrested in Guatemala, Asylum Denied, Has Heart Attack

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