Where To Vote In Illinois Primary Election, Tuesday, March 20

"Where and How to Vote In Illinois on Tuesday, November 6, 2012"

March 19, 2012 - Are wondering where to vote in the Illinois General Primary Election on Tuesday, March 20? Wonder no more. Here are several easy-to-use tools that will help you find polling places in the Land of Lincoln. Statewide, polling places will be open from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
IL State Board of Elections (click images to enlarge)
No matter where you live in Illinois, you can check into the Illinois State Board of Elections website. Once you're there, you'll see "Top Page" at the top left.

Click on "Registration And Polling Place Information" for registration lookup.

It's easy: Just enter your first and last name, your zip code, click on "Submit," and voila — your Polling Place address instantly appears.

What if you see something illegal at the polling place? You know, voter fraud or voter intimidation, or electioneering violations. Visit the "Election Authorities" subpage.

Cook County Clerk
Are you unfortunate enough to live in Cook County? Find out where to vote by visiting the Cook County Clerk's website.

This site is just as easy to use as the State Board of Elections site. This does NOT apply to Chicago voters! Windy City residents can find their polling places below. Voters outside of suburban Cook County should visit their city or county website — or the Illinois State Board of Elections website.

Voters in the City of Chicago can find their polling place by going to the Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago website. This is also easy to use. Click on "Vote Status," which takes you to a simple form that lets you check your voter registration and then quickly gives you the address of your polling place.

Note: You only need to enter your address for this to work, which is very cool. This tool even gives you a nice Google map that shows you how to get from your address to the polling place. Also, a complete list of all City of Chicago Polling Places, by Ward and Precinct, is available as a 50-page pdf file.

I was also going to list the Vote411.org website, which is from the League of Women Voters. However, it kept telling me that it could not locate the same address that the sites above did quickly. The site was a bit confusing to use, and so I felt it would be unfair to even link to it. Just go with the three listed above and you should be okay.