German Expert Debunks Global Warming

Fritz Vahrenholt (Photo: RWE)
February 8, 2012 - One of the fathers of Germany's green movement has gone very public abopt his global warming skepticism. German media are in frenzy over this. 

His name: Fritz Vahrenholt.

This is big news. Vahrenholt is widely regarded as an environmental activist. He is currently the head of RWE Innogy, one of Germany's leading "green" energy corporations.

"The Cold Sun"
The Bild article on February 7 had the provocative headline, "The CO2 Lies: Renowned team of scientists claim the climate catastrophe is fear-mongering by politics" ("Die CO2-Lüge: Renommiertes Forscher-Team Behauptet: Die Klima-Katastrophe Ist Panik-Mache Der Politik").

Vahrenholt was interviewed by Spiegel (Spiegel Online) in a February 8 article called "Breaking Global Warming Taboos: 'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'." Vahrenholt spoke about "The Cold Sun" ("Die kalte Sonne"), his new book. "The Cold Sun" just might help millions of children worldwide who have unnecessary nightmares thanks to Al Gore's frightful lies about climate catastrophe.

Must-see video: The Great Global Warming Swindle [Full Film] (length: 60 minutes)
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