Messy, Disorganized Work Place? Enter the Pimp Your Cube Contest!

This post brought to you by Contest Factory. All opinions are 100% mine.

They say that a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. I’m not sure who “They” are, but an overly clean desk - or office, for that matter - just might be the sign of somebody suffering from OCD. On the other hand, some folks push the envelope of sanity a bit too far by allowing their workspace to become a nightmare of dust, dirt, litter and downright disorganization.

If you are one of those people, you could win big in the Pimp My Cube Contest!  Check out this funny video, and learn how to enter the contest below it.

Your hideous workspace could win you some cool prizes. “Pimp My Cube” is looking for the worst, most pathetic and messy cubicles or offices.  If you have bad furniture, ancient technology or a desk that’s falling apart, that’s cool! Is the place where you work messy, unorganized, noisy, dirty or too dark? A filthy bathroom? Anything that makes where you work just plain heinous counts, and Pimp My Cube wants to know about it!

Here is what Pimp My Cube says:

“We want people to upload a video showing their cube/office/workspace while they explain the details about why it is horrible and why it is so important that Contest Factory come in and ‘Pimp’ their cube.”

Cool, huh? Okay, so you enter your video into the Pimp My Cube Contest, and then you get your friends, family and coworkers to vote for your video. You will get sweepstakes entry points for registering, voting, commenting and inviting others to register for the contest. I recommend including your mother as a voter. All those years of you ignoring her telling you to clean up your room are about to pay off! Mom will be so proud!

HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: Click over to the PMC website and register, then upload your videos to enter in the contest. After your video is approved, tell everyone you know to vote on your video. That, you see, improves your chances of winning. Easy peasy, right? Now get to it, and good luck!

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