NYPD Evicts Occupy From Zuccotti Park

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 - New York - 4:23 PM ET - New York police in riot gear are in the process of evicting thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park.

There were reports of police using tear gas and flash grenades. Some protesters were pepper sprayed and handcuffed. At least 36 have been arrested.

"Authorities declared that the continued occupation of Zuccotti Park," reports the Globe and Mail, "which had become a sea of tents, tarps and protest signs with hundreds of demonstrators sleeping there – posed a health and safety threat."

"Hundreds of helmeted, baton-wielding police officers flooded Zuccotti Park in an under-cover-of-dark showdown early Tuesday," reports the New York Daily News, "ripping down protesters' tents and ordering them to get out or face arrest. Police surrounded the park around 1 AM and read a notice over a bullhorn telling the Occupy Wall St. protesters that sanitation trucks would be removing tents and other property from the site."