Herman Cain Rides Rising Tide of GOP Love

October 10, 2011 - Herman Cain just keep rocketing upward in polls among likely Republican voters. Today, Bloomberg reported that "Cain Is Even With Romney on Economy Among Republican Backers." That, of course, is welcome news for Cainiacs across the USA. But the good news is even better than what the headline indicates: "While Romney barely leads on the economy," notes Bloomberg's Mike Dorning, "he maintains his overall advantage as the candidate Republican supporters most want to see as the nominee, at 24 percent, with Cain second at 16 percent on the eve of a Bloomberg-Washington Post Republican presidential debate that will focus on economic issues, according to a national poll by the two news organizations." Let's hear a collective "Wow!" That presidential debate, by the way will take place at 8:00 PM (Eastern) on Tuesday, October 10 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. The Dartmouth College website has a good list of where you can watch or listen live, and even get your own two cents' worth in via social media. You can read more about Cain's rising poll numbers at Citizens4Cain.com. (Image: FOX News via Associated Press)