October 8, 2011 - Herman Cain uploaded a new video today, in which he calls the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a jobs killer and promises to reign it in should he be elected president in 2012. He says the EPA needs "an attitude adjustment." The video has the simple title of "GOv GOne WIld.MOV."
Watch the video below.
Cain stands on a dark street in Washington, D.C. It's either night or early morning. There is no description available. It seems that this video was uploaded to YouTube with no editing. The video is apparently intended only for campaign workers and supporters, as he thanks them for their work.
Here is a partial transcript of what Cain says in the video:
"Hello, I'm Herman Cain. I want to first thank all of you for realizing something that a lot of people in this country haven't realized yet, but you have and you have done something about it... As I'm on this presidential campaign journey, I have also raised the alarm about something that's happening in Washington, D.C. that's killing jobs and taking away many of our liberties. I describe it as government gone wild. Specifically, the EPA gone wild. One of the things that I'm going to do as president of the United States is to make sure that the Environmental Protection Agency gets an attitude adjustment.... We will transform the EPA from an organization that believes that the taxpayers work for them, to an organization that understands that they work for us."
Herman Cain has long been openly critical of the EPA. In a debate in September, Cain was asked which federal department he would eliminate first if he became president. He answered that he would "
start with the EPA and start all over."
The video doesn't even show on Cain's YouTube channel "
thehermancain" yet, and might never. As of 5:30 PM ET, the video information says it was uploaded "6 hours ago," which would have been 11:30 AM ET. In fact, this video is "unlisted."
Only those with the link can see it. Of course, those who visit Chicago News Bench can also see it.