White House To Texas: Go To Hell

September 9, 2011 - Texas - Texas is battling its worst wildfires ever. More than 1,400 homes have been destroyed. The White House, however, seems to be ignoring a request to declare a major Texas a disaster area. Is President Obama deliberately ignoring Texas's desperate plea for help? According to CNN today, "Texas needs an immediate disaster declaration from President Barack Obama allowing access to heavy equipment and other assistance to help battle wildfires burning across the state, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said." (See his video press conference from Sept. 8 below.) CNN further reports that Dewhurst says that the White House has not responded to a previous request for assistance. When the White House was asked about this, says CNN, "There was no immediate response." Dewhurst is the Acting Governor of Texas this week while Gov. Perry is on the campaign trail. Perry is running for the Republican presidential nomination and could be real contender against Obama in 2012. That previous request was made by Dewhurst on Wednesday, September 7. He issued the following statement after requesting a federal Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Texas: "I've been working very closely with Governor Perry and our emergency personnel, and we're doing everything we can – using all of the state resources at our disposal to contain these wildfires, ensure public safety and protect Texans' lives and property. Because so many fires are burning across the state, our resources are spread pretty thin. That's why we need the federal government to step up to the plate immediately. We need to cut through the red tape and get Texas the help we need today. There are federal resources – including aircraft, bulldozers and other heavy equipment – that can and should be made available right away."
One has to wonder if this is a way for Obama to shove a thumb in the eye of Texas Gov. Rick Perry. While all economic recovery efforts of the Obama Regime have failed so far, Perry has overseen a state in which one third of all new jobs in the U.S. have been created in the past year. In other words, the success of Texas highlights the failed policies of Obama's Washington. This may account for the lack of a response from the White House.