UPDATED: Stunt Plane Crashes Into Ferris Wheel at Fairgrounds in New South Wales, Australia

NSW Incident Alerts posted a great photo (top) on Facebook, showing the plane stuck in the ferris wheel. NSW describe the photo: "A light stunt plane has crashed into a Ferris Wheel at the Old Bar Festival. The Pilot and Co-Pilot are in a serious condition, and emergency services are working to remove the wreckage from the wheel and rescue the people still on the ride. Photo submitted By Julieanne Brache." UPDATE: ABC (Australia) Reports that four people were rescued after a Cheetah S200 stunt plane crashed into the ferris wheel at the Old Bar Festival about 10:00am on Saturday, October 1 (NSW time). Rescued were two children, who dangled in basket atop the ferris wheel for about an hour, and the plane's pilot and his son. Nobody was killed or seriously injured. The Old Bar Beach Festival is at Taree, New South Wales (also see map). Another great photo of the plane-ferris wheel crash (right) comes from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. According to ABC, "Police say the plane crashed shortly after 10.00am (AEST) this morning at the Old Bar Festival at Taree. Local officers say two people are trapped in the plane with two children stuck on the ferris wheel. The plane is leaking aviation fuel and emergency services have been spraying the plane and wheel with foam." "The plane was taking off from the grass airstrip," says ABC, "and failed to get enough altitude to clear the ferris wheel, which was recently placed at the southern end of the strip for the local festival. Flyers from around the country have come to the area for the long weekend." Full story at ABC.net.au