August 29, 2011 - The Australian newspaper reports that Barack Obama's uncle Onyango is being held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement as an illegal immigrant. (See related video below.)
Onyango Obama, 67, was drunk as hell and
driving an SUV when he almost hit a police car last Wednesday night, August 24, in Framingham, Massachusetts.
The photo of Onyango Obama, left, is a mugshot taken by the Framingham Police Department.
The Australian notes that Onyango Obama "was detained as an illegal immigrant because the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has an outstanding warrant for him because he was previously ordered to be deported to Kenya."
Official records say that Obama was "picked up outside
The Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7:10 pm on August 24" because, police charge, "he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4x4 into a patrol car."
MetroWest Daily News reported on August 26 that a "man illegally in the country from Kenya was drunk when he nearly ran his sport utility vehicle into a police car Wednesday night on Waverly Street, police said. After the near crash, Onyango Obama, 67, told Officer Val Krishtal that Krishtal should have yielded to his
Mitsubishi SUV, according to a report filed yesterday in Framingham District Court." The report also notes that "Obama failed a Breathalyzer test, registering .14. The state legal limit is .08." (For you Obama sycophants, a breathalyzer is also known as an "inhalator.")
Human Events reports that "Uncle Omar" tried to use his connection to the White House to get out of the DUI trouble.