Cyberwar! Hackers Hit Lockheed Martin, Other U.S. Defense Companies

May 28, 2011 - A major breach of security has hit major U.S. weapons makers, including Lockheed Martin - and may still be occurring. According to a Reuters report, hackers penetrated the computer systems of Lockheed Martin and other weapons manufacturers, and it is feared that they could have stolen information about future weapons programs. Also at risk is information about existing military technology already in use. The Wall Street Journal reports that a "person familiar with the situation" said that many employees were required to change their "SecurID" passwords. This, says WSJ, was probably done because of the hacker attack, which may have been accomplished by a person or persons using "duplicate SecurID electronic keys made by EMC Corp.'s RSA security division." More about the defense industry cyber attack at The problems seem to stem from a hacker attack against RSA back in March. Photo: Lockheed Martin