Chat Live With Mick Dumke About Chicago's Mayoral Race

February 21, 2011 - At 4:00 p.m. today (CST), you'll have an opportunity to ask an expert about TIFs, corruption, privatization of city assests and more during a live chat session online this afternoon at Windy Citizen. The expert on hand is Mick Dumke, legendary reporter with the the Chicago News Cooperative. He recently left the Chicago Reader, where he became the local superstar that he is today. See Dumke's bio here. This is the last of Windy Citizen and Chicago News Cooperative's pre-election online forums. "It's likely that most Chicagoans would not even know what tax increment financing is," writes an editor at Windy Citizen, "were it not for Dumke's investigative work into City Hall's shadow budget. Since joining the Chicago News Cooperative last summer, Dumke has continued his reporting on TIF districts and their role in the 2011 election."