Flash: Helen Thomas Still Hates Jews

Warner Todd Huston posted a poignant post today about the anti-Semitic journalist Helen Thomas. He notes that the Helen Thomas ‘Spirit of Diversity’ Award was canceled after her latest anti-semitic comments:

A few days ago the miserable Helen Thomas, famed long-time Washington correspondent, let her hatred for Jews get the best of her once again. At a workshop held in Dearborn, Michigan dedicated to fighting anti-Arab bias in the United States, Thomas came out forcefully against the “Zionists” in Israel and the United States and refused to back away from anti-Jewish comments she’s made in the past. 

It seems that Thomas’s latest anti-Jewish comments have caused her to lose support of at least one institution: her own alma mater, Wayne State University. The school from which Thomas graduated in 1942 announced this week that it will no longer be awarding its Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media Award to journalists that “stand out in their field.” As Wayne State once described the award: “The award was established to recognize her leadership role in promoting diversity in the media and the issues of race in America.” It seems that “diversity” isn’t something that much interests Thomas, however.

There's a lot more to Warner's post, which you can read at his Publius's Forum blog...

Helen Thomas Finally Gets The Hell Out CNB
Why Helen Thomas's Anti-Jew Remarks Were So Bad CNB