December 12, 2010 - Haiti was rocked by violent protests last Wednesday as frustration with last month's election results came to a head. The election results are still being contested, but Haiti has been calm this weekend. Meanwhile, however, a cholera outbreak has been raging since mid-October. More than 2,200 people have died of cholera, and
"Haiti is still recovering from the Jan. 12 quake," reports Reuters today, "that killed nearly a quarter of a million Haitians a year ago, and the 1.3 million people made homeless by the disaster are still living in makeshift camps and under tents and tarps in the sprawling capital Port-au-Prince."
Despite the horrible conditions and multiple dangers in Haiti, groups from all over the world are hanging tough in their efforts to help the Haitians. One of those groups is
Haiti Partners (HP), which is dedicated to providing education to Haitian children. HP provides
"10,000 people each year in churches and literacy centers with Bibles and training, in partnership with the Canadian Bible Society."
Haiti Partners follows a
"sustainable model for education developed by a grassroots organization in a remote area of Haiti. This model has shaped our Partner School strategy. We select schools with strong leadership but lacking in resources. With them, we develop an accord and work plan for supporting them over the course of three years by providing seed capital to create a social enterprise, teacher training, and funds to improve their building."
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