Congressional Campaign Event Named After Me!

It's not often enough that a candidate for Congress names a campaign event after me, and so I thank David Ratowitz for doing just that. This Friday, October 15, the Ratowitz people will distribute yard signs in the 5th District, where he is the Republican challenging incumbent Obama enabler Mike Quigley. A few days ago, David had the event listed on Facebook as his "Yard Sign, Pizza & Beer" event. He's an affable guy with a good sense of humor, so I half-kiddingly commented that there had better be anchovies to go with the pizza. David shot back, in good humor, "If you're there, anchovies will be there." I kiddingly challenged David to change the name of the event. To my amazement, he did, and you can see the whole thing by clicking on the graphic here. By the way, if you want some free beer and pizza, join us in distributing yard signs and help get a good guy elected to Congress.