In this free, two-hour training session, you will learn how to be an effective part of the election process. The training is sponsored by the
Cook County Tea Party, DuPage Tea Party, Homer/Lockport Tea Party and Lemont Tea Party. Although they're calling it "Election Volunteer Training," a more accurate name is "Campaign Volunteer Training." It's a good way to learn how to help support those candidates that you want to win in November!
The event will take place at the Westmont Public Library, 428 North Cass Avenue in Westmont, Illinois (
map here). The fun begins at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Although the event is free to attend,
please fill out this attendance form (by so they can know how many people to expect. Everyone is welcome, including high school and college students.
Their invitation gives more details:
There are proven procedures and techniques that win elections, such as educating votes through door knocking, phone calling and letter writing. You will also learn how to make your volunteer hours productive by targeting conservative and independent voters. Attend the class and learn how you can become an effective volunteer in the weeks leading up to the election on November 2. Together we can take back our country and state.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction and overview of the class
2. Level of Involvement:
a. Phone calling, faxing and/ or visits to congressmen and other elected officials regarding issues
b. Petitions: (rules) Petitioning for candidates and/ or issues
c. Election activities: election judging, poll watchers, bringing people to the voting venues. Voter registration.
3. Get out the Vote strategies:
a. phone calling
b. robo calls
c. Door knocking statistics.
4. Door Knocking Strategies that work.
Come learn how to make a difference...
6:30 p.m. - Check In
6:45 p.m. - Prompt Start! Library closes at 9:00 p.m.
For more info, contact Laurie Hellmer of Cook County Tea Party:
or phone 312-342-6988.