Robinson Challenges Heather Steans On Quinn's AFSCME Deal

Adam Robinson is openly challenging State Senator Heather Steans to explain her position on Governor Quinn's suspicious AFSCME deal. Robinson is the Republican nominee who is running against Steans, the incumbent Machine Democrat, in the 7th State Senate District. He called Steans's position on Governor Quinn's AFSCME deal "an election-year sell-out that hurts Illinois." The AFSCME deal provides further proof that the Democrat Party of Illinois is in bed with Big Union leadership, and puts their interests ahead of Illinois. In what may be his hardest hitting press release to date, Robinson questions the sincerity of Democrats like Quinn and Steans to bring fiscal responsibility to Illinois, which is in a severe financial crisis. Adam Robinson is a small business owner and community advocate whose campaign platform calls for "policies that cut wasteful spending, increase jobs, and promote transparency." See his website at FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 22, 2010Adam Robinson, the challenger for Illinois' 7th District State Senate seat, today called on Senator Heather Steans to state her position on Governor Quinn's AFSCME deal, as reported by Crain's Chicago Business. Under the tentative agreement reached this week, Quinn would agree not to lay off any of 50,000 unionized state workers, or close any facilities where they work, until at least mid-2012. The announcement of this deal came only days after the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees endorsed Quinn for governor. "This is yet another shameful example of Illinois' long-standing culture of corruption. Here we have a sitting governor who, trailing significantly in his bid for re-election, has decided to sell Illinois taxpayers down the river in order to pick up votes. Haven't we had enough of this nonsense? "With Illinois facing a $13B budget deficit, the last thing Quinn should be doing is locking us into a deal that prevents our state from taking necessary steps to trim the state workforce or close facilities. Our district's social service agencies have been decimated by budget cuts over the past two years. Should we be wasting our limited resources unnecessary state facilities, or on the services that 7th district residents care about?" "I call on my opponent to state her position on this shameful and irresponsible deal, which is nothing short of an election year sell-out. Voters deserve to know whether my opponent stands with them, or with the union bosses who are milking taxpayers for every last dollar - at the expense of our neediest residents." RELATED: Brady On Quinn, Union Deal: Election Year Pay-To-Play ‎Decatur Tribune Contractors Gave Blago $80,000 (Steans Gave Him $200,000) CNB Quinn and Brady clash over AFSCME deal‎ Union official: Quinn agrees to freeze retiree health costs‎ State Journal-Register AFSCME snubs Speaker Madigan, backs Gov. Quinn Capital Fax Blog Quinn AFSCME reach no-layoff deal: Robinson Campaign Comments on Sen. Steans' Investment in Troubled Nursing Home CNB Heather Steans Lies About Hubby's Blago Connections CNB Sen. Heather Steans Lied on Her Resume CNB Heather Steans Gets New Contribution from Health Insurance Company CNB Pay-To-Play, Joe Moore and Heather Steans CNB Sen. Heather Steans, Money Whore CNB