Democrats For Bill Brady

Will any Democrats vote for Bill Brady over Pat Quinn in the Illinois gubernatorial election this November? You betcha, according to Carol Felsenthal, who wrote about this for Chicago Magazine's online edition. "A friend called to tell me that Democrats are secretly supporting conservative Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady," Felsenthal wrote, "because they predict he’ll be a one-termer. So they’ll grit their teeth for four years and then run a Democrat (who is not Pat Quinn) who can keep the office for multiple terms." Ah, but that's not the real meat of the story.... "Turns out my friend was half right. There are Democrats working for Brady; but they are working for Brady because, they say, he’s just what’s needed by the state of Illinois, which is teetering on fiscal insolvency. He’s a proven businessman, they say, while Pat Quinn is nice and well meaning but ineffectual and indecisive—the anti-businessman, so to speak." According to Felsenthal, there is a "ring leader" (two, actually) behind the Democrats for Brady movement. They are none other than the Vallas brothers - one whom is Paul, the former Chicago Public Schools Superintendent. He is currently the Recovery School District Superintendent in New Orleans. Felsenthal tells us that Paul Vallas has taken some heat for supporting Republican Brady. "When he threw his support to Brady," wrote Felsenthal, Vallas's friends asked him, "What are you, Karl Rove?" The full story can be read at