Best Stupid Protest Sign at Pollak-Ryan Luncheon Today

This is priceless. Protesters from and Citizen Action/Illinois stood across the street from the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago at noon today, where U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) spoke at a fundraiser for Joel Pollak. I asked this woman if I could take her picture. Sure, she said. I did, and then I told her, "You misspelled squander." Her quick-witted response: "How do you spell it?" The protesters are upset about Ryan's "Roadmap For America's Future." Lurking nearby was Rep. Jan Schakowsky's campaign manager, Alex Armour (more about him in a later post.) Pollak is running against uber-liberal Schakowksy in 9th Illinois Congressional District. See our own video mashup of Pollak taunting Schakowsky's campaign manager