I'm not sure what MoveOn.org will be protesting at tomorrow's gathering of Republicans at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago. Sure, the dynamic Congressman
Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be talking about his endorsement of
Joel Pollak in his run against incumbent Jan Schakowsky. Perhaps MoveOn has a problem with the right of free assembly? Free speech? Both? Yes, but specifically they're upset about Ryan's "
Roadmap For America," which is aimed at "saving MediCare." We'll find out on Wednesday, September 1 - I'll be there, sitting at the Press Table, but you can bet I'll get there early to mingle with the communists - excuse me,
progressives - milling about out front as they follow Aunty Jan's marching orders. Time for MoveOn to grow up and actually move on.
Even most liberals are getting fed up with their tired old tactics.
Here is the amusing email press release sent out this morning by the Pollak For Congress campaign:
A few remaining tickets can still be purchased for tomorrow's Pollak for Congress fundraiser with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). It is one of the most highly anticipated political events of the year.
If you don’t believe us, just ask the people at MoveOn.org and Citizen Action/Illinois. [
Editor's note: For more about these two George Soros-funded groups,
visit Marathon Pundit.]
Our friends from the radical left have decided to join the fun Wednesday afternoon by protesting outside the event at the Four Seasons Hotel.
An email sent out to a list of MoveOn.org subscribers is encouraging members to take part in a one-hour demonstration (crowds are rented by the hour) to “protest the dismantling of Social Security and Medicare.” According to the email, our luncheon is kicking off “a national tour” by Republicans.
“Would have been nice if someone told us,” said Field Director Paul Miller. “Now I have to wear socks to the luncheon.”
Our opponent, incumbent Democrat Jan Schakowsky, sits on the Policy Council of Citizen Action/Illinois. Her husband, Robert Creamer, used to lead the organization until he resigned amidst an FBI investigation of charges of bank fraud and tax evasion, for which he later went to federal prison.
Regardless, the Pollak for Congress campaigns welcomes and encourages our fellow Americans to use their free speech and peacefully assemble outside the Four Seasons Hotel. We also encourage them to read the document they are protesting. (It helps.)
We wish our friends on the far left a safe protest, and hope they will also respect our right to assemble and exercise free speech.
Tickets for this event are still available at
Sorry, MoveOn.org and Citizen Action/Illinois - no free lunches provided!
I love a candidate who has a sense of humor, don't you?
MoveOn.org to protest Pollak fundraiser in Chicago Illinois Review
Rep. Paul Ryan Joins Joel Pollak at Sept. 1 Luncheon in Chicago Chicago News Bench
A distasteful move by MoveOn.org Los Angeles Times
Pollak Throws Pie In Schakowsky's Face Chicago News Bench
MoveOn Launching Effort to Censor Fox News in Public Places Weasel Zippers