August 8, 2010

(Updated) 911 Call For Woman Peeing In McDonald's

She just couldn't hold it, I guess. At 11:56 a.m. today, Chicago police got a call from the security guard at the McDonald's restaurant at 1004 W. Wilson Avenue in Chicago's exotic Uptown neighborhood. A woman "urinated in the dining area" of the busy fast food joint, commonly called the GangDonalds by locals because it's frequented by the little devils. UPDATE: A security guard at the McDonalds told Chicago News Bench that the woman came in as a customer. She ordered her meal, but was apparently unhappy with the counter service. Even so, she took her food and quietly ate it at a table. Finished, she politely emptied her tray into the trash, but then silently lowered her pants and proudly pee'd on the floor in front of everybody. That was, apparently, her way of complaining about the service. She then walked out, unapprehended. No charges were filed as a result of her pissy-fit. The store is on the northwest corner of N. Sheridan Road and W. Wilson Avenue, an area notorious for gang activity. It's one of the few intersections in Uptown that has a police camera. 46th Ward Ald. Helen Shiller fought against that several years ago, but CPD and CAPS fought her hard enough to get it. To this day, there is no camera two short blocks away at W. Wilson and N. Broadway, where it is not unusual for gangs to open fire on each other from across the street. Shiller has always justified her resistance to police cameras by claiming that they discriminate against the poor. Talk to any poor person in Uptown (and they are plentiful), and most will tell you that poor folks can be crime victims too - and they like the camera at Wilson and Sheridan. Odds are good that the urinating woman at McDonald's is one of the many mentally ill people who reside in Uptown, dumped into SROs and "nursing homes." Many are heavily medicated. You can often pick them out from a block away by their slow shuffle, hunched shoulders and blank-eyed look. Most are allowed to walk around unattended, which makes them ideal victims of anybody determined to mug somebody. These poor souls are so numerous in Uptown that the neighborhood is, in effect, one big open-air insane asylum. The "46th Mental Ward" is a legacy that Helen Shiller can take to her grave. Walk through Uptown's 46th Ward and you'll likely see people urinating in the open, often making no attempt to hide what they're doing. As you step over homeless people sleeping or begging on the sidewalks, you might see the occasional pile of human excrement. Puddles of vomit are also a common sight. If you've ever wondered what it's like to walk the streets of Calcutta or Hanoi, just stroll along W. Wilson between N. Sheridan and N. Clark. You'll get the same other-worldly feeling and, with some luck, your nose will catch that same other-worldly aroma.