Prayer Vigil, Voodoo and Liberal Magic in Uptown, Chicago

July 30, 2010 - Two guys were shot in Uptown, one fatally, on Wednesday. On Chicago's south side, a 13-year old boy was riddled with 22 bullets. The shooting has been going on for many years, unabated by the now-defunct handgun ban in the city, and it continues. There is, frankly, no sign of it stopping soon. Also See: Useless Uptown Peace Vigil Ends But Violence Will Continue This is odd and strange, because after hundreds and hundreds of prayer vigils, candlelight ceremonies and "take back the streets" marches, you'd think the gangsters would have slapped their foreheads and shouted collectively, "Daaaay-yam! Prayz and candalie and yuppies marshin?!? I have seen da light, pray Jeezuz! No mo crime fuh me!" (Lest you think me racist for the way I wrote that, let me remind you that none of the shooters thus far have been Japanese honor students.) The gangstas haven't had a sudden change of heart, of course, but that won't stop a bunch of well-meaning fools from wasting their time tonight in yet another useless excercise in futility. We are have a prayer vigil and peace march tomorrow at Magnolia and Wilson at 7pm for the two young men shoot yesterday. One of the young men passed on and the other is still in the hospital. Peace [sic] come out and unite in peace with us. So wrote "Commissioned for the Community" (CFC) on their Facebook page yesterday. We wonder if wreaths of garlic will be handed out to help keep away evil spirits. I'm told that immediately after the event there will be a rain dance in Lincoln Park, and on Saturday a witch will be called in to CFC's offices to cast a spell on the gangsters. None of this will do a damn bit of good, of course, but I suppose it will at least make the peace marchers feel good. It's what liberal magic is best for.