Bill Kelly Interviews Cedra Crenshaw About Democrats' Attempts To Shut Her Out
It's the Democrats' plantation racist mentality at work. Cedra Crenshaw is a Black American, highly educated and very bright. Her sin: She's a conservative. Worse yet, she's a Tea Partier. In the eyes of the Democrat power brokers, she has strayed from the plantation and must be stopped.
Here's a must-see video (below) by Bill Kelly, columnist for the Washington Times and host on WIND 560 AM in Chicago. Kelly interviews Tea Party favorite, Cedra Crenshaw, about the Illinois Democrat Machine's attempt to knock her off the ballot in Illinois. She's running for State Senate in the 43rd District and the Dems are scared to death of her. Crenshaw also has a few choice words about the NAACP's recent condemnation of the Tea Party movement as "racist."
In his Washington Times column, Bill Kelly wrote that Crenshaw's opponent, State Sen. A. J. Wilhelmi, was "Originally appointed- not elected in 2005.... and his political insiders filed a challenge to his competitor - Crenshaw’s nominating petitions. Using intimidation scams honed in Chicago, approximately 1300 of Crenshaw’s 2115 petition signatures were disputed. The challenge was so frivolous that it even questioned the home address of Crenshaw’s campaign manager, Mark Batinick. For the past five years, Batinick, his wife, and five children have lived at their current address in Plainfield Township." More at Washington Times...Fox News Chicago gives additional background:
Crenshaw, a 37-year old mother of three who studied accounting at North Carolina A&T, submitted hundreds more signatures on her nominating petitions than required. But Will County officials knocked her off the November ballot, saying one of the sentences in her filing should have used slightly different wording.
"I am angry," said Crenshaw, an African-American who rejects complaints that the Tea Party movement is racist. "And a lot of the voters are very angry, as well. Right here in the State of Illinois, the vote is being denied to the voters of the 43rd State Senate District by a frivolous challenge." More at"Kelly Truth Squad" can be heard at 10:00 p.m. on Sundays at AM 560 WIND. The Kelly Truth Squad Radio Show is a natural offshoot of Kelly's website of the same name. He's also blogging over at Chicago Now, and has been busy with column at the Washington Times column, "The Tea Party Report."