Tell Governor Quinn To Veto The Budget!

Americans for Prosperity-Illinois (AFPI) is urging people to contact Governor Pat Quinn and urge him to veto the lousy budget that the lazy state legislators dumped in his lap late last month. Joe Calomino, State Director of AFPI, sent out this action alert on Friday, June 18: On May 25, 2010, the Illinois General Assembly shirked their duties by passing an unbalanced budget - adding $3.7 billion in new debt that will be passed on to our children and grandchildren! This new debt adds to our current $13 billion deficit and doesn’t even begin to address the $80 billion plus in unfunded pension liabilities or the billions of dollars in unfunded Medicaid liabilities. The General Assembly’s decision to borrow against our future, in-lieu of making the tough choices, like where to cut costs and how to rein in spending, is akin to paying off a Master Card bill by charging it to a Visa Card. It’s irresponsible and incompetent! Instead of doing their job, the General Assembly chose to provide Governor Quinn with unprecedented powers that allows him to be the sole decision maker in charge of determining where and how to spend the state's $26 billion worth of appropriations and if he chooses where to cut costs. Really…has Governor Quinn displayed any ability to make the tough choices? Has Governor Quinn demonstrated any leadership ability or inclination that he desires to substantively cut spending? I think NOT! TAKE ACTION NOW- Click here to email Governor Quinn and tell him to veto the budget! Some in the General Assembly would like us to believe that their actions (actually it should be inactions) has protected the taxpayers from enacting tax increases. Don't believe it! If the General Assembly wanted to protect the taxpayer, they would have passed the many substantive taxpayer protection and reform bills that were either stalled in Rules Committees or were never allowed to be debated. Lawmakers skirted their responsibilities by refusing to take on the special interests groups that have been feeding at the taxpayers' trough for decades. Lawmakers failed to address the need for real reforms, passing a balanced and responsible budget and they failed to tell the special interest group NO! Instead, the General Assembly handed the ball to Governor Quinn asking him to do their job. This unbalanced budget has brought our state to the brink of bankruptcy and threatens our already weak economy. We can't afford failed leadership any longer. And we certainly can't afford this unbalanced budget. Governor Quinn must VETO the unbalanced budget and force lawmakers back to Springfield in order to have an open debate on how to cut spending, reform state government and pass a budget that is truly balanced. TAKE ACTION NOW - Please click here and tell Governor Quinn to veto the budget and force the lawmakers back to Springfield to make the tough choice. Thank you for helping to make a difference! Remember - NOVEMBER is COMING!

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