At Blackhawks Rally, Crowd Boos Mayor Daley, Gov. Quinn

June 11, 2010 - Thousands of Chicagoans and Blackhawks fans gathered to celebrate the winning of the Stanley Cup this morning. They were in a good mood and all were happy to see the players. But the mood turned surly for a little bit when Chicago Mayor Daley and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn took the stage to be introduced to the crowd. The crowd booed them both. Here are just some of the posts ("tweets") on Twitter from people at the rally downtown. They are in reverse chronological order, most recent at the top, and were copied at 12:31 P.M.

  • RT @chrisnelsen Mayor daley getting booed made my day... @MayorDaley
  • RT @DS3M LOL Mayor Daley just got Booed SOOOO Hard at Blackhawks Rally... then he screwed up Coach Q's name... whatta fuggin clown
  • RT @queeneulalia lol @ daley getting booed after his introduction. #blackhawks 
  • RT @mamazilla Chicago just loudly booed Daley... 
  • RT @AMRhone Just Booed Mayor Daley at the Blackhawks parade, thats wat he gets for raising taxes 
  • RT @edelweiss_ Daley and Quinn got booed...hahahahhaha 
  • RT @limac333 Gotta love both Daley and Quinn getting booed. 
  • RT @cyan_icewolf cyan_icewolf LOL! Mayor Daley, Gov. Quinn both get booed the Blackhawks Parade. So perfect heh! 
  • RT @kylecarroll5 Governor Pat Quinn gets booed big time at #blackhawks rally 
  • LMAO: RT @LauraKoni Gov Quinn now getting booed at #Blackhawks rally Blago better not walk over from trial lunch break 
  • RT @PeachyShells They booed governor Quinn and daley lol 
  • RT @LexisSmith The crowd booed Daley & Quinn #Blackhawks parade
  • RT @franknapolitano Governor, Pat Quinn, just got booed when he took the stage at the BalckHawks parade. @Bill_Brady 
  • RT @weedgirl24 weedgirl24 Fans at #blackhawks rally booed illinois Governor #Quinn. Ha! Ha! @Brady4Illinois 
  • RT @FrankieVtotheD Dang they just booed Gov Quinn lmao
  • RT @KatrinkaYobotz #Illinois Gov Quinn just booed as he took stage at Blackhawks rally
  • RT @johnfritchey Ouch. Gov. Quinn roundly booed as he was introduced [at Blackhawks celebration parade today] 
  • RT @gordyhulten Nobody likes Gov. Quinn anymore... 
  • RT @johnfritchey: Ouch. Gov. Quinn roundly booed as he was introduced. 
  • RT @LadyNPumps RT @Jeremiahfunny Now they booing Pat Quinn! Ahahahahaha where is Blago!? 
  • Hee hee hee! RT @Marathonpundit Gov Pat Quinn booed at Blackhawk rally--just blocks from the Blago trial. 

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