Fake Nevada Tea Party Funded by Liberals

March 11, 2010 - This is not the first time, nor the last time, that this will happen. The liberals, Leftists and some parts of the Rahm Emanuel-David Plouffe Dirty Tricks Bureau of the Democrat Party are funding fake "tea parties" around the country. The reason is obvious: To infiltrate, obfuscate, confuse and divert the enemy. The enemy, of course, being you and me - conservatives who support the Tea Party movements across the U.S. One such case is the Tea Party Nation (TPN), an authentic tea party group, and a fake tea party group called "Tea Party Nevada." Tea Party Nation sponsored the recent National Tea Party Convention, at which Sarah Palin spoke. Tea Party Nation sent this message to members, of which I am one, today: A message to all members of Tea Party Nation It has recently come to our attention that an email is circulating referring to the newly established liberal-funded Tea Party of Nevada as TPN. This email repeatedly disparages the Tea Party group using the acronym TPN. TPN - Tea Party Nation is Trademarked. If you receive this email or have forwarded this email, please make any and all attempts to correct this misinformation. TPN (Tea Party Nation) is against the formation of a third party political party. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sherry Phillips Vice President Tea Party Nation Visit Tea Party Nation at http://www.teapartynation.com/ Yesterday, 20 tea party groups in Nevada joined forces to denounce Tea Party Nevada. Read their press release here. This needs to be brought to light quickly. Tea party groups are asking bloggers to spread the word. Also, if you’re on Twitter, click here and share the story with your network. RELATED: Tea Party Nation Knocks Anti-Reid 'Tea Party' for Copyright InfringementSome Republicans dub Nevada Tea Party candidate a fakeIs the Nevada “Tea Party” Candidate a fraud? Tax Day Tea Party Fake Nevada Tea Party a liberal front group trying to save Harry Reid Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed