Exclusive: Giannoulias Fundraiser a Bust

Hot Tip: Alexi Giannoulias had a luncheon fundraiser today and "nobody was buying tickets." The Giannoulias camp was frantic. I get this from a trusted source. Alexi's own mother was working the phones just to get live bodies there, even waiving the ticket price, because a tiny crowd would look bad. DEVELOPING... Hot Tip: Insiders are telling me that Giannoulias is considering pulling out of the U.S. Senate race against Mark Kirk. http://twitter.com/ChiNewsBench Meanwhile, Blake Dvorak reports that "The Kirk campaign is continuing its assault on Giannoulias following yesterday's arrest of the owners of Boston Blackies for check-kiting allegations, which involved Broadway Bank. The owner, Nick Giannis, has also contributed around $115,000 to Giannoulias over the years. Turns out, however, as the Kirk campaign is circulating, that Giannis already had a felony conviction back in 1996 for firearm possession." Full article at ChicagoNow... RELATED: Alexi Giannoulias Gives Tainted Money To Charity: Boston Blackie's Owner ... Giannoulias donor caught running for the border Kirk: Giannoulias' Association w/Criminals Continues Blago: Rahm Could Replace Giannoulias in Senate Race... Alexi Giannoulias, dead man walking? Giannoulias' Broadway Bank About to Fail Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed