ACORN Forced Out of Ohio "Permanently"

The good news is that hydra-headed ACORN has been forced to leave Ohio. It's a big blow to Barack Obama and corrupt politics in Ohio, and a huge victory for fans of a thug-free political process. Let's see if the same legal action can be repeated in other states. The community organizing group ACORN has agreed to permanently give up its business license in Ohio, under a settlement with a libertarian organization. More at Robert Moon reports that "A conservative libertarian group called the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law has gone to court and permanently removed ACORN (the infamous voter fraud group at the core of Obama's agenda) from the state of Ohio." More at (Also see this press release from the 1851 Center...) Brietbart's Big Government reports that "ACORN has reached a settlement under the Ohio Corrupt Activities Act, similar to the federal RICO Act – the same law that’s used to prosecute mobsters and drug kingpins. Under the settlement, ACORN, along with Project Vote, agreed 'to file a certificate permanently surrendering its business license in Ohio by June 1,' according to The Columbus Dispatch." The bad news: ACORN was already essentially inactive in Ohio, and will probably morph itself into a new entity under a different name with new business licensing. More bad news: U.S. District Judge Nina Gershon says the Federal Government can't block funds for ACORN. RELATED: ACORN Cracked, Run Out of State Under RICO Act in Ohio ACORN leaving Ohio after voter registration controversy ACORN will leave Ohio Court Dismisses ACORN Suit vs. 'Pimp', 'Hooker' and Breitbart.comLeave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed