Obama Lying About Public Support for Oil Drilling

Drill Now? The public wants the United States to develop its ability to become more energy self-sufficient. An official poll by the federal government even said so. Will Barack Obama honor the wishes of the American people? Shhhh-yaaah, right ... not. Do you even need a poll to tell you that we need to be energy independent? If you’re the President of the United States or one of his political appointees and you’re ideologically opposed to new oil and natural gas development offshore, what do you do when the public registers its overwhelming support for new drilling in public opinion polls? You dance, delay, and deceive. You speak melodious words about seeking the wisdom of the public in making these decisions and then ignore evidence of the public will when you get it, or worse, you hide it. So writes Vince Haley at BigGovernment.com today. If you're a leftist ideologue like Barack Obama, bent on destroying the energy industry, no poll in the world will alter your opinion, or your goal of keeping energy costs high. You think that's an overstatement? It's not. Obama WANTS energy costs to remain high - and to go even higher. LISTEN to him admit that himself, and remember that the next time you're at a gas pump. It amounts to economic sabotage, and that qualifies as treason. RELATED: Obama: Spike energy costs to make people go 'green' Obama's Energy Budget: More Taxes, Higher Prices Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed